Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Dumping and Loading an Oozie Database Using Cloudera Manager

Minimum Required Role: Full Administrator

Oozie is a stateless web application by design. All information about running and completed workflows, coordinators, and bundle jobs are stored in a relational database.

Oozie supports a lightweight embedded (Derby) database, however Cloudera strongly recommends that you use an external database for production systems. For more information, see Supported Databases and Configuring an External Database for Oozie.

The migration tool is not optimized for migrating large databases. If your database size exceeds 1 million rows, Cloudera recommends that you purge it first. See Configuring Oozie Data Purge Settings Using Cloudera Manager.

This page explains how to dump and load the Oozie database.

Dumping the Oozie Database

To dump your Oozie database:
  1. Stop the Oozie server (in HA mode, stop all Oozie servers).
  2. In the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, go to the Oozie service status page.
  3. Select Actions > Stop. Confirm you want to stop the service by clicking Stop.
  4. Specify Database Dump File:
    1. Go to the Configuration page.
    2. Select Scope > Oozie Server.
    3. Select Category > Database.
    4. Set a file location for the Database Dump File.
  5. Select Actions > Dump Database. Confirm that you want to dump the database to the specified location by clicking Dump Database.
During the export process, Cloudera Manager fetches and writes the database content a compressed zip specified by the Database Dump File property.

Loading the Oozie Database

To load your Oozie database:

  1. Stop the Oozie server (in HA mode, stop all Oozie servers).
  2. Install and configure the empty database in which to load your Oozie data. See Configuring an External Database for Oozie. The db.version of the database must match the db.version of the dump file.
  3. Select Actions > Create Oozie Database Tables. Confirm you want to create the database tables by clicking Create Oozie Database Tables.
  4. Verify Database Dump File is set correctly:
    1. In the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, click the Oozie service.
    2. Go to the Configuration page.
    3. Select Scope > Oozie Server.
    4. Select Category > Database.
    5. Verify the Database Dump File property value.
  5. Select Actions > Load Database. Confirm you want to dump the database to the specified location by clicking Load Database.
  6. Select Actions > Start. Confirm you want to start the service by clicking Start.
Page generated September 13, 2018.