Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Managing Apache Hive in CDH

Cloudera recommends using Cloudera Manager to manage Hive services, which are called managed deployments. If yours is not a managed deployment, configure HiveServer2 Web UI to manage Hive services. Also see Managing Hive in the Hive Guide for more information about managing the Hive service in CDH. For information about configuring Hive, see Configuring Apache Hive in CDH, which includes information about selecting JDBC drivers and ODBC drivers to use with Hive.

Using Cloudera Manager to Manage Hive

Cloudera Manager uses the Hive metastore, HiveServer2, and the WebHCat roles to manage the Hive service across your cluster. Using Cloudera Manager, you can configure the Hive metastore, the execution engine (either MapReduce or Spark), and manage HiveServer2.

See Managing Hive Using Cloudera Manager

Using HiveServer2 Web UI to Manage Hive

The HiveServer2 web UI provides access to Hive configuration settings, local logs, metrics, and information about active sessions and queries. The HiveServer2 web UI is enabled in newly created clusters running CDH 5.7 and higher, and those using Kerberos are configured for SPNEGO. Clusters upgraded from a previous CDH version must be configured to enable the web UI; see HiveServer2 Web UI Configuration.

Page generated September 13, 2018.