Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Setting the Oozie Database Timezone

We recommended that you set the timezone in the Oozie database to GMT. Databases do not handle Daylight Saving Time (DST) shifts correctly. There might be problems if you run any Coordinators with actions scheduled to materialize during the one-hour period that gets lost in DST.

  • To set the timezone in Derby, add the following to CATALINA_OPTS in the file:
  • To set the timezone just for Oozie in MySQL, add the following argument to oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.url:
  Important: Changing the timezone on an existing Oozie database while Coordinators are already running might cause Coordinators to shift by the offset of their timezone from GMT one time after you make this change.

For more information about how to set your database's timezone, see your database's documentation.

Page generated September 13, 2018.