Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Configuring the Flume Properties File

Flume 1.x provides a template configuration file for flume.conf called conf/ and a template for called conf/

  1. Copy the Flume template property file conf/ to conf/flume.conf, then edit it as appropriate.
    $ sudo cp conf/ conf/flume.conf

    This is where you define your sources, sinks, and channels, and the flow within an agent. By default, the properties file is configured to work out of the box using a sequence generator source, a logger sink, and a memory channel. For information on configuring agent flows in Flume 1.x, as well as more details about the supported sources, sinks and channels, see the documents listed under Viewing the Flume Documentation.

  2. Optionally, copy the template file conf/ to conf/
    $ sudo cp conf/ conf/

    The flume-ng executable looks for a file named in the conf directory, and sources it if it finds it. Some use cases for using are to specify a bigger heap size for the Flume agent, or to specify debugging or profiling options using JAVA_OPTS when developing your own custom Flume NG components, such as sources and sinks. If you do not make any changes to this file, then you need not perform the copy as it is empty by default.

Page generated September 13, 2018.