Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Step 7: Set Up a Cluster Using the Wizard

Step 1: Configure a Repository Step 2: Install Java Step 3: Install Cloudera Manager Server Step 4: Install Databases Step 5: Set Up the Cloudera Manager Database Step 6: Install CDH and Other Software Step 7: Set Up a Cluster

After completing the Add Cluster - Installation wizard, the Add Cluster - Setup wizard automatically starts. The following sections guide you through each page of the wizard:

Select Services

  Note: If you enabled auto-TLS in Step 3: Install Cloudera Manager Server, and you want Cloudera Manager to automatically configure TLS for all services that support TLS, you must enable the option before continuing:
  1. Click on the Cloudera Manager logo in the top left corner to exit the wizard and go to the Cloudera Manager home page.
  2. Go to Administration > Settings > Category > Security.
  3. Find the Automatic configuration of TLS for services option, and select Automatic TLS configuration for all services.
  4. Enter a Reason for change, and then click Save Changes to commit the changes.
  5. Click on the Cloudera Manager logo again to go to the home page.
  6. In the Cluster 1 section on the left side, click the Add Services link to launch the Cluster Installation wizard again.

The Select Services page allows you to select the services you want to install and configure. Make sure that you have the appropriate license key for the services you want to use. You can choose from Cloudera Essentials, Data Engineering, Analytic Database, Operational Database, All Services, and Custom Services. To include Cloudera Navigator data management, check the box labeled Include Cloudera Navigator.

After selecting the services you want to add, click Continue. The Assign Roles page displays.

Assign Roles

The Assign Roles page suggests role assignments for the hosts in your cluster. You can click on the hostname for a role to select a different host. You can also click the View By Host button to see all the roles assigned to a host.

To review the recommended role assignments, see Recommended Cluster Hosts and Role Distribution.

After assigning all of the roles for your services, click Continue. The Setup Database page displays.

Setup Database

On the Setup Database page, you can enter the database names, usernames, and passwords you created in Step 4: Install and Configure Databases.

Select the database type and enter the database name, username, and password for each service. Click Test Connection to validate the settings. If the connection is successful, a green checkmark and the word Successful appears next to each service. If there are any problems, the error is reported next to the service that failed to connect.

After verifying that each connection is successful, click Continue. The Review Changes page displays.

Review Changes

The Review Changes page lists default and suggested settings for several configuration parameters, including data directories.

  Warning: Do not place DataNode data directories on NAS devices. When resizing an NAS, block replicas can be deleted, which results in missing blocks.

Review and make any necessary changes, and then click Continue. The Command Details page displays.

Command Details

The Command Details page lists the details of the First Run command. You can expand the running commands to view the details of any step, including log files and command output. You can filter the view by selecting Show All Steps, Show Only Failed Steps, or Show Running Steps.

After the First Run command completes, click Continue to go to the Summary page.


The Summary page reports the success or failure of the setup wizard. Click Finish to complete the wizard. The installation is complete.

Cloudera recommends that you change the default password as soon as possible by clicking the logged-in username at the top right of the home screen and clicking Change Password.

Page generated September 13, 2018.