Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Backing up Cloudera Manager

Minimum Required Role: Cluster Administrator (also provided by Full Administrator)

The following steps create a complete backup of Cloudera Manager:

  1. Stop the Cloudera Management Service using Cloudera Manager:
    1. Select Clusters > Cloudera Management Service.
    2. Select Actions > Stop.
  2. Stop the Cloudera Manager Server by running the following command on the Cloudera Manager Server host:
    sudo service cloudera-scm-server stop
  3. If you are using the embedded PostgreSQL database for Cloudera Manager, stop the database:
    sudo service cloudera-scm-server-db stop
      Important: If you are not running the embedded database service and you attempt to stop it, you receive a message indicating that the service cannot be found. If instead you get a message that the shutdown failed, the embedded database is still running, probably because services are connected to the Hive metastore. If the database shutdown fails due to connected services, issue the following command:
    • RHEL-compatible 7 and higher:
      $ sudo service cloudera-scm-server-db next_stop_fast
      $ sudo service cloudera-scm-server-db stop
    • All other Linux distributions:
      sudo service cloudera-scm-server-db fast_stop
  4. On the host where Cloudera Manager Server is running, back up the /etc/cloudera-scm-server/ file.
  5. On the host where each role is running, back up the following directories whose location is stored in the properties shown in the table. The default location is also shown.
    Table 1. Cloudera Management Service Directories to Back Up
    Role Property Default Location
    Event Server Event Server Index Directory /var/lib/cloudera-scm-eventserver
    Host Monitor Host Monitor Storage Directory /var/lib/cloudera-host-monitor
    Navigator Metadata Server Navigator Metadata Server Storage Dir /var/lib/cloudera-scm-navigator
    Reports Manager Reports Manager Working Directory /var/lib/cloudera-scm-headlamp
    Service Monitor Service Monitor Storage Directory /var/lib/cloudera-service-monitor
  6. Back up the /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini file on each host in the cluster.
  7. Back up the following Cloudera Manager-related databases; see Backing up Databases:
    • Cloudera Manager Server
    • Activity Monitor (depending on your deployment, this role may not exist)
    • Reports Manager
    • Navigator Audit Server
    • Navigator Metadata Server
  8. Start Cloudera Manager Server by running the following command on the Cloudera Manager Server host:
    sudo service cloudera-scm-server start
  9. Start the Cloudera Management Service using Cloudera Manager:
    1. Select Clusters > Cloudera Management Service.
    2. Select Actions > Start.

Backing up Databases

Several steps in the backup procedures require you to back up various databases used in a CDH cluster. The steps for backing up and restoring databases differ depending on the database vendor and version you select for your cluster and are beyond the scope of this document.

Page generated September 13, 2018.