Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions


  Important: This feature requires a Cloudera Enterprise license. It is not available in Cloudera Express. See Managing Licenses for more information.

The Reports page lets you create reports about the usage of HDFS in your cluster—data size and file count by user, group, or directory. It also lets you report on the MapReduce activity in your cluster, by user.

To display the Reports page, select Clusters > Cluster name > Reports.

For users with the Administrator role, the Search Files and Manage Directories button on the Reports page opens a file browser for searching files, managing directories, and setting quotas.

If you are managing multiple clusters, or have multiple nameservices configured (if high availability or federation is configured) there will be separate reports for each cluster and nameservice.

See the following pages for more details:

Page generated September 13, 2018.