Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Cloudera Manager Entity Type Attributes

Name Display Name Description Value Case Sensitive?
entityName Entity Name The name of this entity. Entity names are immutable and are unique within a given entity category. Called 'entityName' in queries. false
category Category The category of this entity. Called 'category' in queries. false
version Version The software version associated with this entity. Called 'version' in queries. false
active Active Whether or not this entity is considered active. Entities are considered inactive when Cloudera Manager believes they have been deleted. Inactive entities are hidden by default in queries. Called 'active' in queries. false
roleName Role Name The name of the role associated with this entity. This is the immutable identifier of a role in Cloudera Manager. Called 'roleName' in queries. false
roleType Role Type The type of the role associated with this entity. Called 'roleType' in queries. false
roleState Role State The runtime state of the role associated with this entity. Called 'roleState' in queries. false
roleConfigGroup Role Config Group The name of the role config group associated with this entity. This is the immutable identifier of a role config group in Cloudera Manager. Called 'roleConfigGroup' in queries. true
serviceName Service Name The name of the service associated with this entity. This is the immutable identifier of a service in Cloudera Manager. Called 'serviceName' in queries. false
serviceDisplayName Service Display Name The display name of the service associated with this entity. Called 'serviceDisplayName' in queries. true
serviceType Service Type The type of the service associated with this entity. Called 'serviceType' in queries. false
serviceState Service State The runtime state of the service associated with this entity. Called 'serviceState' in queries. false
userName Username The user name associated with this entity. Called 'userName' in queries. true
groupName Group Name The name of the group associated with this entity. Called 'groupName' in queries. true
ownerName Owner Name The name of the owner associated with this entity. Called 'ownerName' in queries. true
queueName Queue Name The name of the queue associated with this entity. This attribute is interchangeable with the 'poolName' attribute. Called 'queueName' in queries. true
poolName Pool Name The name of the pool associated with this entity. This attribute is interchangeable with the 'queueName' attribute. Called 'poolName' in queries. true
path Path The name of the path associated with this entity. Called 'path' in queries. true
expired Expired Whether or not this entity is considered expired. Called 'expired' in queries. false
clusterId Cluster ID The ID of the cluster associated with this entity. This attribute is deprecated. The 'clusterName' attribute should be used instead. Called 'clusterId' in queries. false
clusterName Cluster Name The name of the cluster associated with this entity. This is the immutable identifier of a cluster in Cloudera Manager. Called 'clusterName' in queries. false
clusterDisplayName Cluster Display Name The display name of the cluster associated with this entity. Called 'clusterDisplayName' in queries. true
rackId Rack ID The ID of the rack associated with this entity. Called 'rackId' in queries. true
hostId Host ID The ID of the host associated with this entity. This is the immutable identifier of a host in Cloudera Manager. Called 'hostId' in queries. false
hostname Hostname The hostname of the host associated with this entity. Called 'hostname' in queries. true
interface Interface The interface name of the network interface associated with this entity. Called 'interface' in queries. false
device Device The device name of the disk associated with this entity. Called 'device' in queries. false
logicalPartition Logical Partition Whether or not the disk device associated with this entity is a logical partition. Called 'logicalPartition' in queries. false
partition Partition The name of the partition associated with this entity. Called 'partition' in queries. false
mountpoint Mountpoint The mountpoint of the filesystem associated with this entity. Called 'mountpoint' in queries. true
mountOptions Mount Options The mount options of the filesystem associated with this entity. Called 'mountOptions' in queries. true
filesystemType Filesystem Type The type of filesystem (e.g. nfs, xfs, ext3). Called 'filesystemType' in queries. false
nameserviceName Nameservice Name The name of the HDFS nameservice associated with this entity. Called 'nameserviceName' in queries. true
cacheId Cache ID The ID of the cache directive associated with this entity. Called 'cacheId' in queries. false
hnamespaceName HNamespace Name The name of the HBase namespace associated with this entity. Called 'hnamespaceName' in queries. true
htableName HTable Name The name of the HBase table associated with this entity. Called 'htableName' in queries. true
systemTable System Table Whether or not the table associated with this entity is a system table. Called 'systemTable' in queries. false
hregionName HRegion Name The name of the HBase region associated with this entity. Called 'hregionName' in queries. false
hbaseReplicationPeerId HBase Replication Peer ID The ID of the HBase replication peer associated with this entity. Called 'hbaseReplicationPeerId' in queries. true
hbaseReplicationPeerClusterKey HBase Replication Peer Cluster Key The cluster key of the HBase replication peer associated with this entity. The cluster key contains a list of ZooKeeper nodes in the cluster's quorum, the client port for the ZooKeeper quorum, and the base znode for HBase in HDFS on that cluster. Called 'hbaseReplicationPeerClusterKey' in queries. true
timeSeriesTableName Time-Series Table Name The name of the time-series table associatd with this entity. Called 'timeSeriesTableName' in queries. false
timeSeriesApplicationName Time-Series Application Name The name of the time-series application associated with this entity. Called 'timeSeriesApplicationName' in queries. false
rollup Rollup The granularity of the data in the time-series table associated with this entity. Values include "RAW", "TEN_MINUTELY", "HOURLY", "SIX_HOURLY", "DAILY" and "WEEKLY". Called 'rollup' in queries. false
agentName Agent Name The agent name of the Flume Agent associated with this entity. Called 'agentName' in queries. true
componentName Component Name The component name of the Flume component associated with this entity. For example, if this entity is a Flume channel, the value of this attribute will be the channel's name. Called 'componentName' in queries. false
schedulerType Scheduler Type The YARN scheduler type of the YARN pool associated with this entity. Called 'schedulerType' in queries. false
solrCollectionName Solr Collection Name The name of the Solr collection associated with this entity. Called 'solrCollectionName' in queries. true
solrShardName Solr Shard Name The name of the Solr shard associated with this entity. Called 'solrShardName' in queries. true
solrReplicaName Solr Replica Name The name of the Solr replica associated with this entity. Called 'solrReplicaName' in queries. true
kuduTableId Table ID UUID for Kudu Table. Called 'kuduTableId' in queries. false
kuduTableName Table Name Name for Kudu Table. Called 'kuduTableName' in queries. true
kuduTableState Table State State for Kudu Table. Called 'kuduTableState' in queries. false
kuduTabletId Tablet ID UUID for Kudu Tablet. Called 'kuduTabletId' in queries. false
kuduTabletState Tablet State State for Kudu Tablet. Called 'kuduTabletState' in queries. false
kafkaBrokerId Broker Id Id of a Kafka broker. Called 'kafkaBrokerId' in queries. false
kafkaInternalTopic Is Internal Topic Topic is an internal Kafka topic. Called 'kafkaInternalTopic' in queries. false
kafkaPartitionId Partition Id Id of a Kafka topic partition. Called 'kafkaPartitionId' in queries. false
kafkaTopicName Topic Name Name for Kafka Topic. Called 'kafkaTopicName' in queries. true
Page generated September 13, 2018.