Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Cloudera Management Service Health Tests

Cloudera Management Service Activity Monitor Health

This Cloudera Management Service service-level health test checks for the presence of a running, healthy Activity Monitor. The test returns "Bad" health if the service is running and the Activity Monitor is not running. In all other cases it returns the health of the Activity Monitor. A failure of this health test indicates a stopped or unhealthy Activity Monitor. Check the status of the Activity Monitor for more information. This test can be enabled or disabled using the Activity Monitor Role Health Test Activity Monitor service-wide monitoring setting.

Short Name: Activity Monitor Health

Property Name Description Template Name Default Value Unit
Activity Monitor Role Health Test When computing the overall MGMT health, consider Activity Monitor's health mgmt_activitymonitor_health_enabled true no unit

Cloudera Management Service Alert Publisher Health

This Cloudera Management Service service-level health test checks for the presence of a running, healthy Alert Publisher. The test returns "Bad" health if the service is running and the Alert Publisher is not running. In all other cases it returns the health of the Alert Publisher. A failure of this health test indicates a stopped or unhealthy Alert Publisher. Check the status of the Alert Publisher for more information. This test can be enabled or disabled using the Alert Publisher Role Health Test Alert Publisher service-wide monitoring setting.

Short Name: Alert Publisher Health

Property Name Description Template Name Default Value Unit
Alert Publisher Role Health Test When computing the overall MGMT health, consider Alert Publisher's health mgmt_alertpublisher_health_enabled true no unit

Cloudera Management Service Cloudera Manager Server Clock Offset

This is a health test that checks if the clock offset between Cloudera Manager Server and Service Monitor is too large. This test can be configured using the Cloudera Manager Server Clock Offset Thresholds Cloudera Manager Service monitoring setting. This test calculates clock offset using the timestamp int messages that Cloudera Manager Server sends to Service Monitor and the timestamp when Service Monitor gets the messages. Check the NTP configuration on both Cloudera Manager Server and Service Monitor machines if this test fails.

Short Name: Cloudera Manager Server Clock Offset

Property Name Description Template Name Default Value Unit
Cloudera Manager Server Clock Offset Thresholds The health test thresholds for monitoring the clock offset between the Cloudera Manager Server and the Service Monitor. mgmt_clock_offset_with_smon_thresholds critical:60000.0, warning:30000.0 MILLISECONDS

Cloudera Management Service Command Storage Directory Free Space

This Command Storage Directory Free Space Monitoring Thresholds health test checks that the filesystem containing the directory used to store the Cloudera Manager Server's command data has sufficient space. This test can be configured using the Command Storage Directory Free Space Monitoring Thresholds Management Services monitoring settings. This directory can be changed by setting the Cloudera Manager Server Local Data Storage Directory path in Cloudera Manager settings.

Short Name: Command Storage Directory Free Space

Property Name Description Template Name Default Value Unit
Cloudera Manager Server Local Data Storage Directory Local path used by Cloudera Manager for storing data, including command result files. Note that changes to this configuration will only apply to commands started after the change. It is highly recommended that existing data be migrated over to the new location for the data to be accessible via and managed by Cloudera Manager. command_storage_path /var/lib/cloudera-scm-server no unit
Command Storage Directory Free Space Monitoring Thresholds The health test thresholds for monitoring the free space on the filesystem that contains the Cloudera Manager Server command storage directory. mgmt_command_storage_directory_free_space_absolute_thresholds critical:1.073741824E9, warning:2.147483648E9 BYTES

Cloudera Management Service Embedded Database Free Space

The embedded PostgreSQL database running on the Cloudera Manager Server host is using a partition with a small amount of free space. Typically, the data for this embedded postgreSQL server is in /var/lib/cloudera-scm-server-db. Increase the available disk space or adjust the retention period of activity monitoring or auditing data. This test can be configured using the Embedded Database Free Space Monitoring Thresholds Management Services monitoring settings.

Short Name: Embedded Database Free Space

Property Name Description Template Name Default Value Unit
Embedded Database Free Space Monitoring Thresholds The health test thresholds for monitoring the free space on the volume for the embedded PostgreSQL database optionally running on the Cloudera Manager Server. If the embedded database is not in use, this has no effect. mgmt_embedded_database_free_space_absolute_thresholds critical:1.073741824E9, warning:2.147483648E9 BYTES

Cloudera Management Service Event Server Health

This Cloudera Management Service service-level health test checks for the presence of a running, healthy Event Server. The test returns "Bad" health if the service is running and the Event Server is not running. In all other cases it returns the health of the Event Server. A failure of this health test indicates a stopped or unhealthy Event Server. Check the status of the Event Server for more information. This test can be enabled or disabled using the Event Server Role Health Test Event Server service-wide monitoring setting.

Short Name: Event Server Health

Property Name Description Template Name Default Value Unit
Event Server Role Health Test When computing the overall MGMT health, consider Event Server's health mgmt_eventserver_health_enabled true no unit

Cloudera Management Service Host Monitor Health

This Cloudera Management Service service-level health test checks for the presence of a running, healthy Host Monitor. The test returns "Bad" health if the service is running and the Host Monitor is not running. In all other cases it returns the health of the Host Monitor. A failure of this health test indicates a stopped or unhealthy Host Monitor. Check the status of the Host Monitor for more information. This test can be enabled or disabled using the Host Monitor Role Health Test Host Monitor service-wide monitoring setting.

Short Name: Host Monitor Health

Property Name Description Template Name Default Value Unit
Host Monitor Role Health Test When computing the overall MGMT health, consider Host Monitor's health mgmt_hostmonitor_health_enabled true no unit

Cloudera Management Service Navigator Audit Server Health

This Cloudera Management Service service-level health test checks for the presence of a running, healthy Navigator Audit Server. The test returns "Bad" health if the service is running and the Navigator Audit Server is not running. In all other cases it returns the health of the Navigator Audit Server. A failure of this health test indicates a stopped or unhealthy Navigator Audit Server. Check the status of the Navigator Audit Server for more information. This test can be enabled or disabled using the Navigator Audit Server Role Health Test Navigator Audit Server service-wide monitoring setting.

Short Name: Navigator Audit Server Health

Property Name Description Template Name Default Value Unit
Navigator Audit Server Role Health Test When computing the overall MGMT health, consider Navigator Audit Server's health mgmt_navigator_health_enabled true no unit

Cloudera Management Service Navigator Metadata Server Health

This Cloudera Management Service service-level health test checks for the presence of a running, healthy Navigator Metadata Server. The test returns "Bad" health if the service is running and the Navigator Metadata Server is not running. In all other cases it returns the health of the Navigator Metadata Server. A failure of this health test indicates a stopped or unhealthy Navigator Metadata Server. Check the status of the Navigator Metadata Server for more information. This test can be enabled or disabled using the Navigator Metadata Server Role Health Test Navigator Metadata Server service-wide monitoring setting.

Short Name: Navigator Metadata Server Health

Property Name Description Template Name Default Value Unit
Navigator Metadata Server Role Health Test When computing the overall MGMT health, consider Navigator Metadata Server's health mgmt_navigatormetaserver_health_enabled true no unit

Cloudera Management Service Reports Manager Health

This Cloudera Management Service service-level health test checks for the presence of a running, healthy Reports Manager. The test returns "Bad" health if the service is running and the Reports Manager is not running. In all other cases it returns the health of the Reports Manager. A failure of this health test indicates a stopped or unhealthy Reports Manager. Check the status of the Reports Manager for more information. This test can be enabled or disabled using the Reports Manager Role Health Test Reports Manager service-wide monitoring setting.

Short Name: Reports Manager Health

Property Name Description Template Name Default Value Unit
Reports Manager Role Health Test When computing the overall MGMT health, consider Reports Manager's health mgmt_reportsmanager_health_enabled true no unit

Cloudera Management Service Service Monitor Health

This Cloudera Management Service service-level health test checks for the presence of a running, healthy Service Monitor. The test returns "Bad" health if the service is running and the Service Monitor is not running. In all other cases it returns the health of the Service Monitor. A failure of this health test indicates a stopped or unhealthy Service Monitor. Check the status of the Service Monitor for more information. This test can be enabled or disabled using the Service Monitor Role Health Test Service Monitor service-wide monitoring setting.

Short Name: Service Monitor Health

Property Name Description Template Name Default Value Unit
Service Monitor Role Health Test When computing the overall MGMT health, consider Service Monitor's health mgmt_servicemonitor_health_enabled true no unit

Cloudera Management Service Telemetry Publisher Health

This Cloudera Management Service service-level health test checks for the presence of a running, healthy Telemetry Publisher. The test returns "Bad" health if the service is running and the Telemetry Publisher is not running. In all other cases it returns the health of the Telemetry Publisher. A failure of this health test indicates a stopped or unhealthy Telemetry Publisher. Check the status of the Telemetry Publisher for more information. This test can be enabled or disabled using the Telemetry Publisher Role Health Test Telemetry Publisher service-wide monitoring setting.

Short Name: Telemetry Publisher Health

Property Name Description Template Name Default Value Unit
Telemetry Publisher Role Health Test When computing the overall MGMT health, consider Telemetry Publisher's health mgmt_telemetrypublisher_health_enabled true no unit
Page generated September 13, 2018.