Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

User Metrics

In addition to these base metrics, many aggregate metrics are available. If an entity type has parents defined, you can formulate all possible aggregate metrics using the formula base_metric_across_parents.

In addition, metrics for aggregate totals can be formed by adding the prefix total_ to the front of the metric name.

Use the type-ahead feature in the Cloudera Manager chart browser to find the exact aggregate metric name, in case the plural form does not end in "s".

Metric Name Description Unit Parents CDH Version
apps_ingested_rate YARN applications ingested by the Service Monitor Applications per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
impala_query_admission_wait_rate The time from submission for admission to its completion. Called 'admission_wait' in searches. ms per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
impala_query_bytes_streamed_rate The total number of bytes sent between Impala Daemons while processing this query. Called 'bytes_streamed' in searches. bytes per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
impala_query_cm_cpu_milliseconds_rate impala.analysis.cm_cpu_milliseconds.description ms per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
impala_query_hdfs_bytes_read_rate The total number of bytes read from HDFS by this query. Called 'hdfs_bytes_read' in searches. bytes per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
impala_query_hdfs_bytes_written_rate The total number of bytes written to HDFS by this query. Called 'hdfs_bytes_written' in searches. bytes per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
impala_query_memory_accrual_rate The total accrued memory usage by the query. This is computed by multiplying the average aggregate memory usage of the query by the query's duration. Called 'memory_accrual' in searches. byte seconds per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
impala_query_memory_spilled_rate Amount of memory spilled to disk. Called 'memory_spilled' in searches. bytes per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
impala_query_query_duration_rate The duration of the query in milliseconds. Called 'query_duration' in searches. ms per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
impala_query_thread_cpu_time_rate The sum of the CPU time used by all threads of the query. Called 'thread_cpu_time' in searches. ms per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
queries_ingested_rate Impala queries ingested by the Service Monitor queries per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
queries_oom_rate Impala queries for which memory consumption exceeded what was allowed queries per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
queries_rejected_rate Impala queries rejected from admission, commonly due to the queue being full or insufficient memory queries per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
queries_spilled_memory_rate Impala queries that spilled to disk queries per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
queries_successful_rate Impala queries that ran to completion successfully queries per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
queries_timed_out_rate Impala queries that timed out waiting in queue during admission queries per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
yarn_application_application_duration_rate How long YARN took to execute this application. Called 'application_duration' in searches. ms per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
yarn_application_cm_cpu_milliseconds_rate yarn.analysis.cm_cpu_milliseconds.description ms per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
yarn_application_cpu_milliseconds_rate CPU time. Called 'cpu_milliseconds' in searches. ms per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
yarn_application_file_bytes_read_rate File bytes read. Called 'file_bytes_read' in searches. bytes per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
yarn_application_file_bytes_written_rate File bytes written. Called 'file_bytes_written' in searches. bytes per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
yarn_application_hdfs_bytes_read_rate HDFS bytes read. Called 'hdfs_bytes_read' in searches. bytes per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
yarn_application_hdfs_bytes_written_rate HDFS bytes written. Called 'hdfs_bytes_written' in searches. bytes per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
yarn_application_maps_rate The number of Map tasks in this MapReduce job. Called 'maps_total' in searches. items per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
yarn_application_mb_millis_maps_rate Map memory allocation. Called 'mb_millis_maps' in searches. items per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
yarn_application_mb_millis_reduces_rate Reduce memory allocation. Called 'mb_millis_reduces' in searches. items per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
yarn_application_reduces_rate The number of reduce tasks in this MapReduce job. Called 'reduces_total' in searches. items per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
yarn_application_vcores_millis_maps_rate Map CPU allocation. Called 'vcores_millis_maps' in searches. items per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
yarn_application_vcores_millis_reduces_rate Reduce CPU allocation. Called 'vcores_millis_reduces' in searches. items per second   CDH 5, CDH 6
Page generated September 13, 2018.