Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Configuring TLS/SSL for HDFS, YARN and MapReduce

Required Role: Configurator, Cluster Administrator, or Full Administrator

TLS/SSL for the core Hadoop services—HDFS, MapReduce, and YARN—must be enabled as a group. Because most clusters run either MapReduce or YARN, not both, you will typically enable HDFS and YARN, or HDFS and MapReduce. Enabling TLS/SSL on HDFS is required before it can be enabled on either MapReduce or YARN.

  Note: If you enable TLS/SSL for HDFS, you must also enable it for MapReduce or YARN.

The steps below include enabling Kerberos authentication for HTTP Web-Consoles. Enabling TLS/SSL for the core Hadoop services on a cluster without enabling authentication displays a warning.

Before You Begin

  • Before enabling TLS/SSL, keystores containing certificates bound to the appropriate domain names will need to be accessible on all hosts on which at least one HDFS, MapReduce, or YARN daemon role is running.
  • Since HDFS, MapReduce, and YARN daemons act as TLS/SSL clients as well as TLS/SSL servers, they must have access to truststores. In many cases, the most practical approach is to deploy truststores to all hosts in the cluster, as it may not be desirable to determine in advance the set of hosts on which clients will run.
  • Keystores for HDFS, MapReduce and YARN must be owned by the hadoop group, and have permissions 0440 (that is, readable by owner and group). Truststores must have permissions 0444 (that is, readable by all)
  • Cloudera Manager supports TLS/SSL configuration for HDFS, MapReduce and YARN at the service level. For each of these services, you must specify absolute paths to the keystore and truststore files. These settings apply to all hosts on which daemon roles of the service in question run. Therefore, the paths you choose must be valid on all hosts.

    An implication of this is that the keystore file names for a given service must be the same on all hosts. If, for example, you have obtained separate certificates for HDFS daemons on hosts and, you might have chosen to store these certificates in files called hdfs-node1.keystore and hdfs-node2.keystore (respectively). When deploying these keystores, you must give them both the same name on the target host — for example, hdfs.keystore.

  • Multiple daemons running on a host can share a certificate. For example, in case there is a DataNode and an Oozie server running on the same host, they can use the same certificate.

Configuring TLS/SSL for HDFS

  1. Go to the HDFS service.
  2. Click the Configuration tab.
  3. Select Scope > HDFS (Service-Wide).
  4. Select Category > Security.
  5. In the Search field, type TLS/SSL to show the TLS/SSL properties (found under the Service-Wide > Security category).
  6. Edit the following properties according to your cluster configuration:
    Property Description
    Hadoop TLS/SSL Server Keystore File Location Path to the keystore file containing the server certificate and private key.
    Hadoop TLS/SSL Server Keystore File Password Password for the server keystore file.
    Hadoop TLS/SSL Server Keystore Key Password Password that protects the private key contained in the server keystore.
  7. If you are not using the default truststore, configure TLS/SSL client truststore properties:
      Important: The HDFS properties below define a cluster-wide default truststore that can be overridden by YARN and MapReduce (see the Configuring TLS/SSL for YARN and MapReduce section below).
    Property Description
    Cluster-Wide Default TLS/SSL Client Truststore Location Path to the client truststore file. This truststore contains certificates of trusted servers, or of Certificate Authorities trusted to identify servers.
    Cluster-Wide Default TLS/SSL Client Truststore Password Password for the client truststore file.
  8. Cloudera recommends you enable Web UI authentication for the HDFS service.

    Enter web consoles in the Search field to bring up the Enable Authentication for HTTP Web-Consoles property (found under the Service-Wide>Security category). Check the property to enable web UI authentication.

    Enable Authentication for HTTP Web-Consoles Enables authentication for Hadoop HTTP web-consoles for all roles of this service.
      Note: This is effective only if security is enabled for the HDFS service.
  9. Click Save Changes.
  10. Follow the procedure described in the following Configuring TLS/SSL for YARN and MapReduce section, at the end of which you will be instructed to restart all the affected services (HDFS, MapReduce and YARN).

Configuring TLS/SSL for YARN or MapReduce

Perform the following steps to configure TLS/SSL for the YARN or MapReduce services:
  1. Go to the YARN or MapReduce service.
  2. Click the Configuration tab.
  3. Select Scope > service name (Service-Wide).
  4. Select Category > Security.
  5. Locate the <property name> property or search for it by typing its name in the Search box.
  6. In the Search field, type TLS/SSL to show the TLS/SSL properties (found under the Service-Wide > Security category).
  7. Edit the following properties according to your cluster configuration:
    Property Description
    Hadoop TLS/SSL Server Keystore File Location Path to the keystore file containing the server certificate and private key.
    Hadoop TLS/SSL Server Keystore File Password Password for the server keystore file.
    Hadoop TLS/SSL Server Keystore Key Password Password that protects the private key contained in the server keystore.
  8. Configure the following TLS/SSL client truststore properties for MRv1 or YARN only if you want to override the cluster-wide defaults set by the HDFS properties configured above.
    Property Description
    TLS/SSL Client Truststore File Location Path to the client truststore file. This truststore contains certificates of trusted servers, or of Certificate Authorities trusted to identify servers.
    TLS/SSL Client Truststore File Password Password for the client truststore file.
  9. Cloudera recommends you enable Web UI authentication for the service in question.

    Enter web consoles in the Search field to bring up the Enable Authentication for HTTP Web-Consoles property (found under the Service-Wide>Security category). Check the property to enable web UI authentication.

    Enable Authentication for HTTP Web-Consoles Enables authentication for Hadoop HTTP web-consoles for all roles of this service.
      Note: This is effective only if security is enabled for the HDFS service.
  10. Enter a Reason for change, and then click Save Changes to commit the changes.
  11. Go to the HDFS service
  12. Click the Configuration tab.
  13. Type Hadoop SSL Enabled in the Search box.
  14. Select the Hadoop SSL Enabled property to enable SSL communication for HDFS, MapReduce, and YARN.
    Property Description
    Hadoop TLS/SSL Enabled Enable TLS/SSL encryption for HDFS, MapReduce, and YARN web UIs, as well as encrypted shuffle for MapReduce and YARN.
  15. Enter a Reason for change, and then click Save Changes to commit the changes.
  16. Restart all affected services (HDFS, MapReduce and YARN), as well as their dependent services.
Page generated September 13, 2018.