Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Backing Up Cloudera Navigator Data

Backups of Cloudera Manager include the data stored for Navigator Audit Server and Navigator Metadata Server data, as described in Backing up Cloudera Manager. Follow these steps if you need to back up either storage independently from Cloudera Manager:

Backup Navigator Audit Server Data

Navigator Audit Server stores audit information in a database instance. The audit metadata does not need to be backed up at the same time as the Navigator Metadata Server metadata.

  1. Confirm the Navigator Audit Server database location and connection information.

    To locate this information, log in to the Cloudera Manager Admin Console and go to Clusters > Cloudera Management Service. Click the Configuration tab. Select Scope > Navigator Audit Server and Category > Database. The results indicate the type, host, database name, and login account.

  2. Using the appropriate tool for the database instance (such as MySQL), backup the database. See Backing Up Databases.

Backup Navigator Metadata Server Data

Navigator Metadata Server stores metadata in an embedded Solr data directory and in a database instance. Back up these locations together so the backups describe the same metadata state.

  1. Shut down the Navigator Metadata Server role.
  2. Backup the data directory.

    The Navigator Metadata Server default directory is /var/lib/cloudera-scm-navigator. To confirm that this is the path your deployment uses, log in to the Cloudera Manager Admin Console and search for the Navigator Metadata Server Storage Dir property (

  3. Backup the database instance.
    • Confirm the Navigator Metadata Server database location and connection information.

      To locate this information, log in to the Cloudera Manager Admin Console and go to Clusters > Cloudera Management Service. Click the Configuration tab. Select Scope > Navigator Metadata Server. Select Category > Database. The results indicate the type, host, database name, and login account.

    • Using the appropriate tool for the database instance (such as MySQL), backup the database. See Backing Up Databases.
  4. Start the Navigator Metadata Server role.
Page generated September 13, 2018.