Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Service Metadata Entity Types

Metadata entities are the data assets stored in and operations generated by services running on the cluster. Users with the appropriate permissions (Metadata and Lineage Viewer, Full Administrator) can view metadata entities in the Cloudera Navigator console or by using the APIs.

The Cloudera Navigator console includes entities extracted from services that are enabled for integration with Navigator Metadata Service.

Navigator creates the following entities from metadata extracted from these services:

Service Navigator Entity Types Created from Metadata
HDFS directory, file
HiveServer2 database, table, field, operation, operation_execution, sub_operation, partition, view
Impala operation, operation_execution, sub_operation
Mapreduce (v1 and v2) operation, operation_execution
Oozie operation, operation_execution
Pig operation, operation_execution
Spark (v1 and v2) operation, operation_execution
Sqoop (v1) operation, operation_execution, sub_operation
YARN operation, operation_execution
Cluster cluster_template,cluster_instance
S3 file, s3bucket

Hive Operations and Cloudera Navigator Support Matrix

The table below lists Hive DDL and DML statements and whether Cloudera Navigator supports the operation with metadata and lineage extraction.

Hive operations Cloudera Navigator Metadata Support Comment
Abort Operation does not generate data flow.
Alter Table/Partition/Column ALTER TABLE RENAME TO does not create query entity. ALTER TABLE CHANGE column name does not create query entity. .
Create Table  
Create/Drop Macro Operation does not generate data flow.
Create/Drop/Alter Index Operation does not generate data flow.
Create/Drop/Alter View Operation does not generate data flow.
Create/Drop/Alter/Use Database Operation does not generate data flow.
Create/Drop/Grant/Revoke Roles and Privileges Operation does not generate data flow.
Create/Drop/Reload Function Operation does not generate data flow.
DELETE Requires ACID support. Hive ACID not supported.
Describe Operation does not generate data flow.
Drop/Truncate Table  
EXPORT Known Issue. . External tables can be exported to HDFS but Cloudera Navigator does not create a query entity for the EXPORT.
IMPORT Known Issue. External tables can be imported from HDFS but Cloudera Navigator does not create a query entity for the IMPORT.
INSERT data into Hive Tables from queries  
INSERT data into the filesystem from queries  
INSERT values into tables from SQL  
LOAD Known Issue. LOADing a CSV from HDFS into an existing Hive table does not generate lineage.
MERGE Requires ACID support. Hive ACID not supported.
MSCK REPAIR Tables track their respective partitions. Queries to create or repair partitions using MSCK are not captured as query entities.
Show Operation does not generate data flow.
UPDATE Requires ACID support. Hive ACID not supported.

Cloudera Navigator extractor for Hive does not support all Hive statements, specifically these:

  • Table-generating functions
  • Lateral views
  • Transform clauses
  • Regular expressions (regex) in SELECT clause

Hive queries that include any of the above will prevent lineage diagrams from completing successfully.

Page generated September 13, 2018.