Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Installing Cloudera JDBC and ODBC Drivers on Clients in CDH

To install Cloudera Hive JDBC drivers or ODBC drivers, go to the following download pages on Cloudera's web site.

Cloudera Hive JDBC Driver Download

The Cloudera Hive JDBC Driver versions 2.5.20, 2.6.1, and later have been tested with CDH 6.0. Cloudera recommends that you use these versions with Hive when you upgrade to CDH 6.0.

To download the Cloudera Hive JDBC Driver, go to:

Choose version 2.5.20 or later from the Version drop-down list on the page.

For documentation about installing and using the driver, see the guide for the appropriate driver type and version at the Cloudera Enterprise Connector Documentation page.

Cloudera Hive ODBC Driver Download

The Cloudera Hive ODBC driver version 2.5.25 and later has been tested with CDH 6.0. Cloudera recommends that you use these versions when you upgrade to CDH 6.0.

To download the Cloudera Hive ODBC driver, go to:

Choose version 2.5.25 or later from the Version drop-down list on the page.

For documentation about installing and using the driver, see the guide for the appropriate driver type and version at the Cloudera Enterprise Connector Documentation page.

Page generated September 13, 2018.