Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

How to Enable and Use Governance-Based Data Discovery

As of Cloudera Enterprise 5.11, Hue can use the metadata tagging, indexing, and search features available with Cloudera Navigator data management. After integrating Hue with Cloudera Navigator, existing Cloudera Navigator tags and indexed entities can be accessed and viewed in Hue, and entities can be tagged using Hue interfaces. Managed metadata and custom metadata tags created or applied using Hue are then stored in the Cloudera Navigator instance. This How To shows administrators how to enable this capability and SQL users how to use the feature.

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Administrator Setup Tasks

Enabling Cloudera Navigator for Hue

To use Hue with Cloudera Navigator, you must give the Hue server access to the Navigator Administrator account and enable the integration by configuring some properties using the Cloudera Manager Admin Console. If you have multiple Hue servers running across the cluster, you must configure each Hue server with the Navigator Administrator user account to access Cloudera Navigator.

  Note: After enabling the integration on clusters that use Cloudera Sentry role-based access control, different Hue users can view only those entities to which their respective user roles have been granted permission.


Follow the steps below to integrate Cloudera Navigator and the Hue server. These steps require Cloudera Navigator to already be installed, configured, and running in the context of a Cloudera Manager cluster. See Cloudera Data Management Guide for more information about Cloudera Navigator.

The administrator performing the configuration tasks must have the Cloudera Manager user role of Navigator Administrator or Full Administrator. Use the same account that was used to set up authentication for Cloudera Navigator users and groups.

Enabling the Integration and Configuring Authentication

  1. Log in to the Cloudera Manager Admin Console.
  2. Select Clusters > Hue.
  3. Click the Configuration tab.
  4. Select Service-wide from the Scope filter.
  5. Select Cloudera Navigator from the Category filter. The properties for Cloudera Navigator configuration for Hue display:
    1. Click the Enable Navigator Metadata Server Integration box.
    2. Select the authentication mechanism for Navigator Metadata Server Auth used by the Cloudera Navigator instance (this selection must match the configuration for Navigator Metatdata Server):
      • Cloudera Manager
      • LDAP (Active Directory, OpenLDAP)
      • SAML (for SSO support)
    3. Click Enable Audit Collection
  6. Click Save Changes.
  7. Click Restart Hue.
  8. Log in to Hue by selecting Hue Web UI.

SQL Users Get Started

This short tutorial shows you how to organize data better, how to create new tags, or re-use existing tags.

Applying Metadata Tags Using Hue

Prepare Hue Tables

As the Hue superuser, install sample tables and then refresh Impala metadata.
  1. Log in to Hue (as superuser) by selecting Hue Web UI in Cloudera Manager.
  2. Go to About > Step 2: Examples and install sample tables for Hive and Impala.
      Note: You can also append /about to the Hue URL: http://<hostname>:8889/hue/about/.
  3. Go to Query Editors > Impala and click the refresh icon.
  4. Select Perform incremental metadata update to display sample tables.
  5. Go to Metastore Tables Manager and click the refresh icon.

Tag Database, Table, and Field

  1. In Metastore Tables Manager, click the default (or some other) database.
  2. Add database tag: Hover over TAGS, click the edit icon, enter a tag of your choice, and save.
  3. Add table tag: Click a table name (such as "customers"), hover over TAGS, and repeat.
  4. Add field tag: Click the "show details" icon by a column name and repeat in the context popup.

Search Cloudera Navigator Metadata with Hue

After integrating Hue with Cloudera Navigator, the Hue SQL Editor provides a Search bar that includes a list of filters and an auto-complete listing that is pre-filled with top values. The Search mechanism by default returns tables and views only. Use the type filter to search for columns, partitions, and databases.
  Note: On clusters that use Sentry for role-based access control, the Search mechanism does not display counts of popular values. Sentry ensures that Hue users can view only entities to which their user role (as configured and managed by Sentry) has been granted specific permissions.
The Cloudera Navigator search field can be accessed in the Metastore Tables Manager as well as from the Hive and Impala editors.
  1. Go to Query Editors > Impala.
  2. Search on "type:field tags:" in the Navigator search field.

      Note: You can search for table tags with "tags:". For other types, input "type:database tags:" or "type:field tags:".
  3. Create a view of customers named David:
  4. Search on "davids". You should see, No recent match found, until Navigator can process the new view.
      Note: New tables and views can take ~1 hour to register in Navigator and be searchable.
  5. Log in to Cloudera Navigator at http://<cloudera manager hostname>:7187.
  6. On the Search tab, select type=View. When you see "davids," return to Hue and retry your search.
  7. To see your tags in Cloudera Navigator, click Add New Value under tags.

Page generated September 13, 2018.