Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

INT Data Type

A 4-byte integer data type used in CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements.


In the column definition of a CREATE TABLE statement:

column_name INT

Range: -2147483648 .. 2147483647. There is no UNSIGNED subtype.

Conversions: Impala automatically converts to a larger integer type (BIGINT) or a floating-point type (FLOAT or DOUBLE) automatically. Use CAST() to convert to TINYINT, SMALLINT, STRING, or TIMESTAMP. Casting an integer or floating-point value N to TIMESTAMP produces a value that is N seconds past the start of the epoch date (January 1, 1970). By default, the result value represents a date and time in the UTC time zone. If the setting --use_local_tz_for_unix_timestamp_conversions=true is in effect, the resulting TIMESTAMP represents a date and time in the local time zone.

Usage notes:

The data type INTEGER is an alias for INT.

For a convenient and automated way to check the bounds of the INT type, call the functions MIN_INT() and MAX_INT().

If an integer value is too large to be represented as a INT, use a BIGINT instead.

NULL considerations: Casting any non-numeric value to this type produces a NULL value.



Partitioning: Prefer to use this type for a partition key column. Impala can process the numeric type more efficiently than a STRING representation of the value.

HBase considerations: This data type is fully compatible with HBase tables.

Parquet considerations:

Text table considerations: Values of this type are potentially larger in text tables than in tables using Parquet or other binary formats.

Internal details: Represented in memory as a 4-byte value.

Added in: Available in all versions of Impala.

Column statistics considerations: Because this type has a fixed size, the maximum and average size fields are always filled in for column statistics, even before you run the COMPUTE STATS statement.

Numeric Literals, TINYINT Data Type, SMALLINT Data Type, INT Data Type, BIGINT Data Type, DECIMAL Data Type (CDH 6.0 / Impala 3.0 or higher only), Impala Mathematical Functions

Page generated September 13, 2018.