Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Configuring Impala to Work with ODBC

Third-party products can be designed to integrate with Impala using ODBC. For the best experience, ensure any third-party product you intend to use is supported. Verifying support includes checking that the versions of Impala, ODBC, the operating system, and the third-party product have all been approved for use together. Before configuring your systems to use ODBC, download a connector. You may need to sign in and accept license agreements before accessing the pages required for downloading ODBC connectors.

Continue reading:

Downloading the ODBC Driver

  Important: As of late 2015, most business intelligence applications are certified with the 2.x ODBC drivers. Although the instructions on this page cover both the 2.x and 1.x drivers, expect to use the 2.x drivers exclusively for most ODBC applications connecting to Impala. CDH 6.0 has been tested with the Impala ODBC driver version 2.5.42, and Cloudera recommends that you use this version when you start using CDH 6.0.

See the connector documentation page for installation instructions.

Configuring the ODBC Port

Versions 2.5 and 2.0 of the Cloudera ODBC Connector, currently certified for some but not all BI applications, use the HiveServer2 protocol, corresponding to Impala port 21050. Impala supports Kerberos authentication with all the supported versions of the driver, and requires ODBC 2.05.13 for Impala or higher for LDAP username/password authentication.

Version 1.x of the Cloudera ODBC Connector uses the original HiveServer1 protocol, corresponding to Impala port 21000.

Example of Setting Up an ODBC Application for Impala

To illustrate the outline of the setup process, here is a transcript of a session to set up all required drivers and a business intelligence application that uses the ODBC driver, under Mac OS X. Each .dmg file runs a GUI-based installer, first for the underlying IODBC driver needed for non-Windows systems, then for the Cloudera ODBC Connector, and finally for the BI tool itself.

$ ls -1
$ open iodbc-sdk-3.52.7-macosx-10.dmg
Install the IODBC driver using its installer
$ open ClouderaImpalaODBC.dmg
Install the Cloudera ODBC Connector using its installer
$ installer_dir=$(pwd)
$ cd /opt/cloudera/impalaodbc
$ ls -1
Cloudera ODBC Driver for Impala Install Guide.pdf
Release Notes.txt
$ cd Setup
$ ls
odbc.ini    odbcinst.ini
$ cp odbc.ini ~/.odbc.ini
$ vi ~/.odbc.ini
$ cat ~/.odbc.ini
# Specify any global ODBC configuration here such as ODBC tracing.

[ODBC Data Sources]
Sample Cloudera Impala DSN=Cloudera ODBC Driver for Impala

[Sample Cloudera Impala DSN]

# Description: DSN Description.
# This key is not necessary and is only to give a description of the data source.
Description=Cloudera ODBC Driver for Impala DSN

# Driver: The location where the ODBC driver is installed to.

# The DriverUnicodeEncoding setting is only used for SimbaDM
# When set to 1, SimbaDM runs in UTF-16 mode.
# When set to 2, SimbaDM runs in UTF-8 mode.

# Values for HOST, PORT, KrbFQDN, and KrbServiceName should be set here.
# They can also be specified on the connection string.

# The authentication mechanism.
# 0 - No authentication (NOSASL)
# 1 - Kerberos authentication (SASL)
# 2 - Username authentication (SASL)
# 3 - Username/password authentication (SASL)
# 4 - Username/password authentication with SSL (SASL)
# 5 - No authentication with SSL (NOSASL)
# 6 - Username/password authentication (NOSASL)

# Kerberos related settings.

# Username/password authentication with SSL settings.

# Specify the proxy user ID to use.

# General settings
$ pwd
$ cd $installer_dir
$ open BI_Tool_Installer.dmg
Install the BI tool using its installer
$ ls /Applications | grep BI_Tool
$ open -a
In the BI tool, connect to a data source using port 21050

Notes about JDBC and ODBC Interaction with Impala SQL Features

Most Impala SQL features work equivalently through the impala-shell interpreter of the JDBC or ODBC APIs. The following are some exceptions to keep in mind when switching between the interactive shell and applications using the APIs:

  Note: If your JDBC or ODBC application connects to Impala through a load balancer such as haproxy, be cautious about reusing the connections. If the load balancer has set up connection timeout values, either check the connection frequently so that it never sits idle longer than the load balancer timeout value, or check the connection validity before using it and create a new one if the connection has been closed.
Page generated September 13, 2018.