Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Using Cloudera Navigator with Altus Clusters

Cloudera Navigator can extract metadata and lineage from Cloudera Altus clusters. That means that data engineers running jobs on transient clusters and processing jobs using Hive on Altus clusters can view metadata and lineage in Cloudera Navigator. Because Cloudera Navigator identifies cluster, cluster group, and other properties related to Altus deployed clusters, data engineers can use the lineage diagrams available in the Cloudera Navigator console to trace data back to its source, even when data processing spans different clusters.

Support for Cloudera Altus metadata and lineage extraction from Cloudera Navigator is not enabled by default. Configuration tasks must be completed in the Cloudera Altus console and in the Cloudera Manager Admin Console to enable this capability. Completing the configuration tasks requires your organization to have a Cloudera Altus account, and assume that you are successfully running jobs on clusters according to the processes detailed in the Cloudera Altus documentation.

  Note: Cloudera Altus requires an account on the cloud service provider. For more information about Cloudera Altus and for a demonstration, visit Introducing Cloudera Altus. To request a Cloudera Altus account, go to the Altus registration page.

How it Works: Background to the Setup Tasks

Every cluster deployed using Cloudera Altus is deployed as a Cloudera Manager cluster, that is, it has its own Cloudera Manager Server. This Cloudera Manager Server instance is read-only, but an Altus user—for example, a data engineer developing a new Hive or MapReduce2 script—can use Cloudera Manager to view execution and other details. This Cloudera Manager Server also includes the Telemetry Publisher role instance (daemon) that publishes data from the transient cluster to other systems. The Telemetry Publisher stores metadata and lineage details from the running transient cluster to a cloud-based storage location (for example, an Amazon S3 bucket) specified in the Altus Environment used to instantiate the cluster.

It is the Telemetry Publisher role instance running in the Cloudera Manager Server of a Cloudera Altus cluster and the cloud-based storage mechanism that enables Cloudera Navigator to obtain metadata and lineage information from single-user transient clusters. Before the cluster shuts down, an internal process checks to ensure that all metadata and lineage from that transient cluster has been successfully published to the specified cloud-based storage resource.

Meanwhile, the on-premises Cloudera Navigator instance has been collecting the metadata and lineage information by reading from the same cloud-based storage location. Because cloud storage is a persistent store that runs independently and is not part of the transient cluster, it remains a viable source of data for Cloudera Navigator.

These system interactions are all but transparent to both Cloudera Altus users and Cloudera Navigator data stewards and other users. However, enabling the interaction involves several preliminary tasks across both Cloudera Altus and Cloudera Navigator. The specifics vary, depending on the cloud provider.

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    Page generated September 13, 2018.